Aging is a natural part of life – a stage in our lives that each one of us must, eventually, pass through. But too often, we don’t think about the problems that retirement, eldercare, and other issues related to aging present us with until it’s too late.
OUR MIssion:
to Make Aging Easier For Everyone
Our goal is to focus on providing education, resources, and other information to caregivers, the “sandwich generation” that must start thinking about eldercare and retirement solutions for their parents, and provide any adult with aging parents with the resources that they need to understand aging issues, eldercare solutions, and the steps necessary for retirement preparation.
We want to be your all-in-one resource for all of your needs as you and your loved ones go through this stage of life – and our dedication to this service reaches all the way to our name.

Pictured left to right: NeMeia Washington, Cresandra Smith, Erin Welborn, Demetris Ivey, and Rita Hayes-Young

Erin Welborn

Rita Hayes

Demetris Ivey

NeMeia Washington

Cresandra Smith
Why Is Aging Preparation So Important?
The answer is simple: Everyone has to age. That’s a fact. So why pretend that it isn’t?
Ignoring the issues that aging presents both aging adults and their children isn’t helpful to anyone – and can put them at risk for sub-par care, poor financial positioning, and a myriad of other issues.
Preparation for aging-in-place, retirement, eldercare, and other important issues ensures that your loved ones don’t just stumble into old age unprepared. They can enter this next stage of their lives with their heads held high and looking towards the future, prepared with comprehensive information about their needs and retirement.
Green Box Solutions provides a valuable community resource. No matter the phase of life you’re in, Green Box Solutions can provide you with the education and resources about aging that you’ll need to take care of yourself, or take care of your loved ones.
By doing so, we can increase the standard-of-living of the valued seniors in our community, and help younger caretakers understand the changing needs of their loved ones.
The Story of the Green Box
Green Box is more than just a name – it’s a concept that embodies safety, preparation, and peace of mind.
When the founder of our nonprofit was younger, her mother kept all of the important documents in the house in the “Green Box”. If anything ever happened to her mother, she would always say “everything you need is in the green box.”
The Green Box is about preparation – it’s about knowing that you’ll have everything you need in one place, should you encounter a problem or an unexpected situation. And that passion for preparation, understanding, and peace of mind is what has driven our startup since its inception.